December City Council Rundown
The final City Council meeting of 2022 was held December 15th at 6pm at City Hall.

This was the last meeting for Mayor Richard Harris and Council Members Rick Harrell, Phyllis Carruth, and Mark Tripp, since their terms are up at the end of this year. The January meeting will have newly elected mayor, Fred Teague, and the new City Council Trio Nathan George, Emily Young (that's me, hi), and Seth Bradley. The remaining council will stay the same with Justin Keller, Shawn Harris, Chris Olson, Eric Westcott, and Paul Gray.
Download the meeting agenda below:
Mayors Report
Additions to the following boards and commissions:
Adam Anderson, City Corporation board member
Larry Smith, Planning Commission, re-appoint
Justin Cotheren, Planning Commission, re-appoint
Seth Lake, Airport Commission
Teresa Sayer, from the City Attorney's office, was recognized as the 2022 Employee of the Year. She has worked for the city since 1999. Mayor Harris added that, "She makes the city attorney's office a better place."
Rick Harrell gave his appreciation for his time serving on the council. "It's been a very humbling experience to work with the people of Russellville." He also added that the department heads have been so kind to him, and that they'd usually even answer the phone when he called. Gave everyone a good chuckle.
Phillys Carruth also gave her farewell after serving on the council for 6 years. Though she came into it a bit unconventionally, because her husband, Philip, passed away and she was asked to take his seat. On what she'll be doing post-council, "Now it's my time to go travel a little bit."
Departmental Report
No report.
Personel Committee
No report.
Finance Committee
No report. Jk. There's a report.
Approved - (16:52) The Agreement between the City and Main Street Russellville for $45,000 to manage and coordinate activities for revitalization efforts as well as maintaining and operating the depot for 2023.
Approved - (17:21) A memorandum of understanding between the City and Pope County Partners LLC concerning construction associated with the drainage and pedestrian access connecting The Loft apartments with ATU.
Approved - (17:50) Acquisition by eminent domain of temporary construction easement to complete a sidewalk, curb, and gutter from Fairway Blvd to Ashley drive
Approved - (18:25) Adoption of 2023 special funds budgets and 2023 street fund revenue and expense budgets.
Approved - (19:02) Agreement with Arkansas Valley Alliance for Economic Development for 2023, enter into contract to provide economic workforce development.
Approved - (19:36) Appropriate $110,500 from general fund reserve for airport avgas jet fuel revenue and expense budget.
Approved - (20:00) A memorandum of understanding between the City and the Friends of Latimore tourist home for repair and restoration of the home.
Approved - (20:29) Amend ordinance 2194 and 2195 which establishes rates and fees for services furnished by the water and waste water system of the City of Russellville when acquiring part of Dover's water and sewer systems.
Approved - (24:30) Accept bid for after-hours lawn care for Oakland cemetery for 2023.
Approved - (25:06) Reimbursement of Q4 expenses for Alliance for Economic Development $24,841.58, Workforce Development $22,062.04
Approved - (26:08) Accept bid from Navona Construction LLC for structure removal for the City.
Approved - (26:32) Approve maximum price for lighting, landscaping, concrete, duct, and paving for Downtown Streetscape Project. 4 yes, 2 no - Mayor voted yes to pass
Old Business
Approved - (31:09) Adopting revised city zoning codes. Westcott, With the understanding and acknowledgment that it is an imperfect document being adjusted as needed when implementing, he would like to have the Planning & Development Director give a report at the City Council Agenda meeting regarding any issues with code.
New Business
Tabled - (37:34) Adopting revised animal control code.
Mayor Harris closed out the meeting with thanks to the community.