Promises to Scott
i spent sacred time yesterday
with a friend
who knows he is
we aren't so different,
him and us,
he just has a hyper awareness
that his resting in peace
will be soon.
mine could be too,
who really knows?
he is not pretending anymore,
the masks are off,
the facades gone
and there is a real human
appreciating every drop of life's lemonade
he has left in this story.
god, that kind of honesty and authenticity is so refreshing
but when did i become
such good friends with death
and these angels who are dying?
i suppose it was when i learned
exactly how to sit with suffering.
he shared with me
his funeral party plans,
played me every song on his list,
and i listened like it was the first time
i had ever heard each note,
and like it was the last time
i would ever hear them again
with my friend.
it would be.
he opened his journal
and showed me his final chapter,
every line written by his own hand -
he told me not everyone gets this honor,
having their dying wishes brought to life.
he wants us to celebrate,
because life is a celebration.
he wants us to inspire,
because we are inspirational.
he wants us to dance and sing and share our stories,
to sit peacefully in this silence,
and of course he does,
because that is the essence of healing trauma,
and in my story, he is the entire reason
i became a childhood trauma repair teacher.
he told me if he was going to learn the lessons
i have dedicated my life to learning,
it would only be from me,
that it did not matter if we disagree politically,
i spoke in a way he could understand.
and that is the core
of one of the swords
that i would die on:
spiritual contracts written in the blood of heartbreak.
it is my belief that when we were still star stuff,
before we decided to put on fleshy meat suits
and birth into this earth, i think
we made agreements with one another
about the lessons we would earn
and who we would learn them from.
every single one of us came here to be a teacher.
we all hear the call,
but very few of us will pick up the phone
because the laughter of shame is louder.
we whisper to ourselves:
“who me? no, not yet, i am not ready”
and that's a problem.
what if
one of your students
is suffering alone because
they spiritually agreed to be
unable to see and hear all other teachers
until you come through and speak their language
with the lessons you agreed to deliver to them and only then
will they experience the great aha!
and begin to understand why?
do not go
getting a savior complex,
if you fall into the drama triangle
then you have lost the entire point and confused
compassion with trying to fix another person’s pain for them.
try being a heart with ears instead.
so anyway, scott said to me,
with no knowledge of this belief,
that he would only learn how to heal
from his childhood trauma if
i would be his teacher.
one of my students looked me in my eyes and told me with their heart
that they were going to suffer
until i got through my own shit long enough
to be the teacher and the change that i was born to be.
it is a promise i am still making good on.